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Passport home page_Mockup.jpg

Project Date : 

July 2016 ( 2 week)

Platform : 

Web platform


The project aim is to re design the passport website in order to look into a specific task, the task set for this project is applying for passport as 1st time user.

Problems in the Existing System determined by Usability test on the current system 

Unstructured  information Architecture

Usability test on current system

Current System test



A quick usability test was performed on the existing system with regard to the task of Applying for new passport. The test helped us to understand the problem areas in the current system. This test was performed on 6  people each of which were 1st time user 


Failed Usability test in terms of Learnability, effectiveness, errors, satisfaction, efficiency and memorability  

System is not designed in a task oriented manner 

Visually unstructured and not appealing  



How easy is it for users to accomplish basic task for the first time they encounter the design.

When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily can they reestablish proficiency?

Once users have learned the design, how quickly can they perform tasks?

How many errors do users make, how severe are these errors, and how easily can they recover from the errors?

It is a measure of how well the website does what it is designed to do.

How pleasant is it to use the design?




Result of the Usability














One of the initial step after testing the old passport website was to understand the task assigned, ie creating a new passport for 1st time user. The main agenda was to jot the pain point and the the task user needs to perform in order to accomplish this task 

Task flow

Process for re-designing

Creating Task flow and understanding pain point 

Understanding touch point

Redesigning Information Architecture

Usability Testing for Existing system

Process followed

Redesigning the Website for assigned task

Testing the new design

Screenshot 2018-09-01 00.45.40.png
Screenshot 2018-09-01 00.46.08.png

Information Architecture

After analysing the task and the website it was clear that information architecture of the website has to be redesigned based on the task. This performed by understanding user needs and clustering the data accordingly. 

Screenshot 2018-09-01 00.49.28.png

Initial rough planning of the information architecture by understanding the current structure and redefining the new structure.

The final plan of the Information Architecture

Screenshot 2018-09-01 00.49.57.png
Home Page

Home Page

Dividing the page based on Most important information 1st and followed by the least important information

Home Page

Home Page

Explaining the selection colour , typography and Layout for the webpage.

Icon, emotional  and data clusterin

Icon, emotional and data clusterin

Reasoning the selection of colour, icon and clustering of information

Login and Registration page

Login and Registration page

The design of the login page,

Application form

Application form

Application Completion

Application Completion

Preview pop up window

Preview pop up window

Preview check

Preview check

User feedback

User feedback

Final Concept

As a good Ux designer, Everything you design should be justifiable and reasoned out. The images below are the High Fidelity Screens of the website redesign with the reasoning of the colour, icon, data clustering, layout and most element of the design.   ​


Hi Fidelity 


Home Page

Sign In or Login Page

Registration Page

Application Form

Validation and Process of Application Form

Preview Page

Form Completion and Confirming to proceed by seeing preview

User Feedback page

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